How to avoid credit card scams?

Credit card frauds are a nightmare for all individuals. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the most prevalent scam in 2020 was the credit card scam. The scammers stole around $149 million.



While knowing what to do if you’ve been a victim of credit card theft is e crucial, practicing credit card safety from the minute you obtain a new credit card will go a far toward preventing credit card scams.


How to avoid credit card scams?


To fool you or steal your personal information, scammers employ various strategies. During times of crisis, such as the covid-19 outbreak, frauds tend to increase. Criminals try to take advantage of us when we are most vulnerable.


Knowing what to look out for often can help decision-making and avoid credit card fraud. Let’s look at some easy techniques to avoid being a victim of fraud:


Use only secure websites


A padlock will appear on the left side of the URL bar if the site is secure. Furthermore, the URL will begin with HTTPS. Any site that begins with HTTP is not secure. Don’t use a non-secure website to enter your credit card information. And a company that does not provide data protection to its consumers does not deserve your business.