Sucess Begins With Self Image ANd Self Hypnosis

The good news is that you can change your self image. Through the use of tools such as hypnosis it is possible to build a new set of beliefs that reflect the person you wish to be.

People who achieve success in life have a strong sense of themselves. They have a positive self image that reinforces their efforts. Conversely, those people who always seem to fail, no matter how hard to try, have low self esteem and a self image that is far less than who they actually are. They believe that they are not good enough!

The purpose of things like personal development, self improvement and even psychology is to alter your own self perception. They are designed to build up your self esteem, self confidence and change your self image. They are structured in a way to help you improve your self image. Because self image is everything!

Have you ever seen a very physically attractive person who catches your eye then after spending some time with them you find them much less desirable? Likewise, have you ever met a person who is not classically beautiful or handsome yet they radiate a charm and self confidence that makes them very attractive and desirable?


If you feel attractive inside then you will project this on the outside. Your self image will be of an attractive person regardless of how you look physically. Whatever you hold in mind really does become true for you. Your self image is just a set of beliefs that you hold in mind about yourself and your beliefs can be changed!